Dear Parents,
You may have seen over the weekend that the Government has announced that parents with school age children and anyone within that family's support bubble is now eligible for twice weekly lateral flow testing.
The guidance has been updated regularly over the couple of days, including a number of times today because links did not work or websites crashed.
You can now order home testing kits using this link:
You can also visit a test site for lateral flow testing. Your nearest site can be found here:
What twice-weekly testing involves
You will be asked to:
- take a test twice a week (every 3 or 4 days apart)
- report every result to NHS Test and Trace on the same day you take the test
- Report your test result online or by calling 119.
If anyone tests positive or gets coronavirus symptoms, they should tell the school and:
- self-isolate immediately
- get a PCR test to confirm the result
- follow the stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection
A negative result means the test did not find signs of coronavirus. But this does not guarantee you do not have coronavirus, so you should keep following all coronavirus advice including:
- regular handwashing
- social distancing
- wearing a face covering where recommended