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Dinner information

Since 8th April 2024, our catering is provided by Miquill.


Meals MUST be ordered in advance via ParentPay on the close of day on the Thursday before. It is REALLY important when ordering school meals you ensure that you click and confirm at the bottom of each page before moving on. If the meals aren't confirmed, they are not saved, which would result in the meals not being on the system.  Payment where applicable, will be taken through ParentPay.  (Please note SchoolGrid is no longer used).


Meals are currently £2.53 per child (Nursery to Year 6). There is no charge for the school lunches as part of the Universal Free School Meals entitlement (Reception - Year 2 inclusive), however these must still be ordered through ParentPay.


Please see the options available on the downloadable menu below.


Christmas dinner 2024. A reminder that the letter emailed previously on 19/11/24 to all 1st contacts advised the process for ordering a Christmas Dinner on 5th December. The kitchen is unable to order any more supplies due to cut off dates. If a main meal (Lasagne or Vege Wrap) was not ordered by you before the cut off date on 28/12/24, please ensure that your child is sent in with a packed lunch. Thank you for your continued support.

If you child has allergies or a special dietary requirement, as evidenced by a GP letter, you will need to complete the allergens form available below. Please ask at the school office if you wish to have a copy printed. Thank you.
