Fairhaven Primary School is part of St Bartholomew’s CE Multi-Academy Trust. There are three tiers of responsibility who lead and manage the governance of the Trust. Members and Trustees have responsibility for Trust matters, while each school within the Trust is led by its own Local Governing Board. Annual accounts and information relating to the Trustees and Members, and the Trust's Governance Structure can be found on the Trust’s website.
Our Local Governing Board
Louise de Graaff Ex Officio Governor
Katie Parkes Parent Governor / Vice Chair
Sheena Tandy Parent Governor
Charlotte Jones Staff Governor
Joy Wheeler Appointed Governor / Chair (jwheeler@stbartsmat.co.uk)
Ian Grosvenor Appointed Governor
The Local Governing Board supports the Headteacher in leading the School, working under the direction of the Trust Board. Governors meet regularly to discuss children’s progress and results, acting as “critical friends” to the Headteacher in order to improve the School’s performance.
The only LGB sub-committee in operation is the Governors' Pay Committee which will consist of any three non-staff Governors without a conflict of interest.