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Welcome to Fairhaven Nursery

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Fairhaven Primary School offers an exciting Nursery Provision for 3 and 4 year olds.  In our setting you can access the 15 hours universal entitlement for your child or the 30 Government's 30 hours funded childcare offer.   We have excellent facilities both indoor and outside. We deliver a curriculum to meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, through play as far as possible, recognising that for young children, play is the central means of access to the curriculum.


The provision is Governor led, with members of staff working as part of the school team following current school policies. We are fortunate to have caring, committed and enthusiastic staff who are skilled at making young children feel welcome and settled in our nursery setting.


Most children are currently entitled to funding from the term after their 3rd birthday within the dates outlined below:

Children born in the period 1st April to 31st August are eligible to start Nursery in the term beginning on or following 1st September after the child's third birthday.

Children born in the period 1st September to 31st December are eligible to start Nursery in the term beginning on or following 1st January after the child's third birthday.

Children born in the period 1st January to 31st March are eligible to start Nursery in the term beginning on or following 1st April after the child's third birthday.


Allocation of places

Nursery parents apply directly to the school for a place in our nursery. We operate a waiting list for parents who are interested in a place for their child.  At present we only take children who are three years of age and older. Please see our Nursery admissions policy for full details. Priority will be given to those parents requesting the full entitlement.  We may also be able to accommodate some part-time additional places within your 30 hour entitlement – (E.g. More than 15 hours but less than 30 hours per week) and will always offer this if possible.  Where spaces are available, parents wishing to take up the 15 hour universal entitlement will be offered those places.

Please note that a place in our nursery setting does not guarantee a place in Reception class. The local authority administers Reception places - please click on the link below for Admission criteria. 


30 hour free - Child Care Entitlement

The free 30 hour offer is as follows:

  • 8.30 am – 11.30 am – morning session.
  • 12.10pm – 15.10pm – afternoon session.
  • Parents requiring ‘wraparound care’ at lunchtime between the morning and afternoon sessions, need to be aware that there is a charge of £2.72 per session, for this service. Children will either need to bring a packed lunch to eat on the premises or parents can order a school lunch for an additional cost.  Children are fully supervised at lunchtime by our lunchtime team. If you prefer to take your child home between sessions then you may also do this.
  • Before school (Breakfast Club) is available at a cost of £4.20 from 7:45am, or £3.20 from 8am.
  • In addition, after school ‘wraparound’ care is also available at a charge of £7 per session.  The after school ‘wraparound care’ runs from the end of school until 17:45.  Children can be collected at any time. Tea is also available for a charge of £2.
  • Fruit charged at 15p per session per child is available when pre-ordered on the booking form.
  • Lunchtimes, before school and after school childcare are NOT included in our free 30 hour child care.


We encourage parents to come and see for themselves the provision we offer - please contact the school to arrange an appointment.  Our telephone number is 01384 818385.


Learning in Nursery

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Nursery Admissions Policy

Electronic Registration Form



If your child already has a place at our Nursery, please go to the Nursery Provision page on the Extended Services here. The booking form is at the bottom of the page.

